Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kusadasi, Turkey

This morning we docked at the Turkey port of Kusadasi. We met Ayse, our day guide, at 8:30am for our tour during the port. Leaving the cruise port, we first visited the House of the Virgin Mary. Mary is thought to have accompanied St. John to the Ephesus area in 37A.D. It has been claimed that Mary lived in this small isolated house on a hill until her death in 48A.D. After our tour, we stopped for a brief rest with a Turkish coffee.

In Ephesus, we strolled along the archaeological site for a tour of old Greek and Roman ruins at Ephesus.With a reported population of 250,000, Ephesus was perhaps the largest city in the Mediterranean area in the first century. Much of the visible ruins were built by Emperor Constantine and Emperor Theodosius.

Archaeological research in Ephesus was supported by the British Museum in the mid-1800s. Research efforts funded by German sources followed.

We particularly enjoyed our visit to the Terrace Houses in the Ephesus site. These houses were excavated in the 1960s and now permit visitors to view the interiors of several houses inhabited by wealthy Ephesus inhabitants. The large rooms and richly decorated floors and walls were clearly beautiful at one time.

Our last stop was the Artemission Temple. Not much was left of this large temple, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

We engaged Ephesus Shuttle for our half-day tour and recommend this company for touring the Kusadasi area. We received a great descriptions of the sites we visited and information about life in Turkey.

©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

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