Friday, September 6, 2013

Rhodes, Greece

Today we visited Rhodes, keeping our walk to the Old Town historical area within the old city fortified walls. Rhodes was founded in 408 BC. The city was influenced by the Greeks, Goths, Turks, Italians and Germans. Greece took control over Rhodes after WWII. The fourth largest Greek island, Rhodes covers about 540 square miles.

We started our Old Town walk from the Temple of Aphrodite and Symi Square, wound ourselves around Museum Square, down Sokratous Square to Ippokratous Square to the Pindarou Street gate to the port. Along the way, we stopped at several of the small shops lining the streets. Near Museum Square we stopped for beverages and to use the available - but slow - wireless service provided by the cafe.

We completed our walk through Old Town around 12:30pm and returned back to the Reflection for lunch.
©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono
©2013, R. Ono

©2013, R. Ono

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