Saturday, September 7, 2013

Travel Updates

I've been updating my blog and photos with the 2013 Nexus 7 and have generally been successful. I note 'generally' as there have been some limitations. The Nexus doesn't have the capability to insert an SD card and my DSLR now has about 700 images of varying but large size. Accordingly, I've only been downloading photos that I'll post to my blog. This means that I have no recovery from a failure of the DSLR memory card. I didn't have this issue when traveling with my laptop.

The Blogger Android app has also been buggy. Several posts have been stuck in 'saving' mode which results in the post being in a 'twilight zone' - neither available for further editing nor readable. The only recovery has been to delete the app and reinstall the app. I did this a few minutes ago and previous posts that were in this stuck condition were removed with the app reinstallation.

Otherwise, the Nexus 7 has performed admirably. The battery life, screen resolution, wireless and portability are great. The MiniSuit keyboard has also worked fine and has a reasonable battery life.

Pick-pocket Strategy
After my Rome experiences, on this trip I've been wearing cargo shorts made by Clothing Arts. These pants have front and rear pockets that have two security mechanisms. The interior pockets are secured by a zipper.These zipper pockets are further sealed with a flap and button(s). The front cargo pockets and rear pockets each have two buttons.

While the pockets are relatively difficult to pick, it is also cumbersome for the wearer to retrieve something. However, I suppose the pants are no more difficult to use than a money belt or wallet that hangs on a belt.

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