Monday, July 7, 2014

Mashatu Game Reserve

Yesterday morning, we packed up our duffel bags and boarded a two passenger Beechcraft for two flights that would finally take us from Malamala to Mashatu Game Reserve, in Botswana. Mashatu covers 61,000 acres and provides an opportunity to view savannahs to river forests along the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers, marshland and sandstone outcrops.

Mashatu is owned by a company that is somewhat related to the operators of Malamala. A similar attention to lodge details is clearly present as we walked around the Mashatu Main Lodge area. There are 14 air conditioned suites at the Main Lodge. A pool is offered for cooling off in the warm afternoons. Though the cool weather quickly dissuades us from taking a dip.

Despite these comforts, there are some differences between Malamala and Mashatu. One is the water must be treated at Mashatu before drinking and we are on our own for laundry. Nonethesless, the staff is very hospitable, food very good and the game drives have been rewarding. We start our game drives early in the morning, 6:30am. However, we return to camp for brunch at 10:30am and are able to rest up until the afternoon game drive starts at 3:30pm. Dinner is at 8pm.

Due to limited Internet connectivity, this will like be the only Mashatu update and emails will resume as we enter South Africa again.

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