Monday, April 6, 2015

Travel Insurance - Epilogue

My travel insurance claim saga has finally ended and I thought I'd share the conclusion. In the mailbox today was my reimbursement check from American Airlines. This check covered partial reimbursement for:
  • the mid-trip replacement of an airline damaged duffel, and 
  • the loss of this 'replacement' duffel bag and all its contents. The duffel was lost during my return international flight from Chile to the US.

All told, American Airlines released this check about ten weeks after the reported baggage delay/loss in San Francisco.

As this was an international flight, the loss claim came under the auspices of the Montreal Convention. The rules under the convention govern international air carrier liability and set limits on payment for incidents ranging from lost luggage to passenger injury or death.

Under the Montreal Convention, the maximum luggage liability for a carrier is 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (SDR). What is an SDR? Using a basket of existing currencies, the International Monetary Fund establishes a daily SDR value.  Thus, at the time of the claim payment by American Airlines, 1,131SDR was equivalent to $1560USD.

Combining the TravelEx and American Airlines travel claim reimbursements, all of my losses were covered. Had we not purchased TravelEx insurance, the SDR limit would resulted in moderate personal financial loss for us. Interestingly, the maximum carrier liability for lost luggage for US domestic air travel is $3,300USD.

On my upcoming trip to Hawaii for a few days, I'm limiting my bag to a carry-on.

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