Friday, May 16, 2014

Working on A Cruise Ship

Some time ago, I mentioned that I signed up with a couple of contracting companies that place special interest speakers on cruise ships. Such speakers are typically engaged to provide enrichment lectures during at-sea days. While many of these lecturers focus on port destination talks, cruise lines will often seek other interesting topics to add to the daily schedule. From personal experience, a daily at-sea schedule with lots of activities, entertainment and events makes for a great day for cruise passengers. My plan was to host lectures on cyber-security.

After not hearing about any lecture opportunities for a few months, it appears that lecture openings are now becoming available. Over the past month, I was asked about my interest in lecturing on several cruises, ranging from a three week trip from Australia, a transatlantic cruise and a few Caribbean itineraries. Serving on a 15 day Caribbean cruise in the late fall fits my schedule and is currently on the discussion table. 

From my perspective, the primary benefit of working as an enrichment lecturer is being able to share cyber-security knowledge with cruise passengers. There is no actual financial compensation and, instead, enrichment lecturers are provided an extremely low cabin rate (ranging from $65 to $100 per day) for two individuals. The accommodations are generally interior cabins, sometimes in the crew area. I will acknowledge that the capability to combine lecturing with moderately priced travel is very attractive.

Perhaps you'll see me on your next cruise!  

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