Friday, May 23, 2014

Short Visit to Hawaii

(c) 2014, R. Ono
Just spent few days on the Big Island with my parents, sister and my youngest adult daughter. It was a good opportunity to catch a few restful days of family socializing, shopping, shared meals and seeing some of the local sights.

The trip was really enlightening as to how rewarding, but also challenging, travel can become when you reach the 80-95 years of age. While working, I found moving through the airport terminal from curb to airplane gate, navigating through TSA security checks and dealing with rental vehicles and hotels cumbersome enough. At an older age, wheelchair assistance becomes very helpful, particularly if the distance between connecting flight gates is distant or if the walk between the curb to airplane gate is long.

(c) 2014, R. Ono
 One of the most enjoyable aspects of the trip was watching my parents reconnect with family and friends. I've become more aware of how important these social connections are to each of us. Reaching your eighth and ninth decade of life places some hurdles in maintaining these connections. There is also the fact that while it is wonderful to have a long life, some of your friends and family members may no longer be with you. Newly retired, I am now trying to make the best of my free time, traveling and taking advantage of opportunities to reach out to past friends - and no more worrying about having to be at a desk or meeting.

(c) 2014, R. Ono
The staff at the Hapuna Beach Prince Resort was extremely attentive. Many of the staff members are long time employees and knew my parents from their many previous trips to the islands. This friendliness extended to me as I found myself at times greeted by name as I walked through the hotel grounds.
(c) 2014, R. Ono

During our trip, we enjoyed several shared meals, a drive to Tex Drive-in in Honoka'a for malasadas, a visit to Donna's cookie factory in Paauilo and stops at the Mauna Kea Hotel, Waikoloa Beach Resort and Kailua-Kona. We also took a day trip to Kauai. While visiting the Garden Island, we drove over to Wailua to visit with family. My parents, sister and I caught up with Auntie Charlotte. I hadn't seen Charlotte for a long time, so I had a lot of catching up to do. As we left, we were given generous gifts of chocolate and cookies to take back with us to the mainland.

(c) 2014, R. Ono
Unfortunately, we were unable to schedule more time to visit with family in Honolulu. Our time in Honolulu was limited to the intra-island airport transfers. With security measures, it is very difficult to leave the gate area without raising the possibility of missing a flight connection.

It was great that Lauren, my youngest, was able to accompany us on this short Hawaii visit. She was very helpful during our day trips and was able to have some extended visit time with my parents - something that she'll treasure for a long time.

(c) 2014, R. Ono
Finally, the trip provided me an opportunity to spend some extended time with my sister. Life and work has a habit of restricting our schedules. On our last morning, we got up early and walked the Hapuna Beach Prince Golf Course. Walking at 6:15am permitted us to avoid being hit be errant golfers but we did have to dodge some of the early morning sprinklers. 

My next trip will be up to the mountains for a few days and then off to Africa.

Stay tuned.

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