Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Arriving Into Johannesburg

(c) 2014, R. Ono
The eleven hour British Airways flight from Heathrow to Johannesburg went without delays. Upon arriving, the queue at the immigration counter was a bit long, but it seemed related to a large number of concurrent plane arrivals.

We were met by a representative of Wilderness Safaris, who helped us find an ATM and terminal pharmacy. Unlike many of the US airports, pharmacys are often located at the larger international airports and it was a good place to pick-up a forgotten pill splitter.

(c) 2014, R. Ono
A short walk from the airport, the City Lodge is located on top of the nearby multi-level parking garage. It is a convenient walk from the international terminal as well as to catch the charter plane we need to board tomorrow morning.

We planned to focus on resting and relaxing from the two days of air travel. However, upon opening our luggage in the hotel room, we found everything wet. Apparently, the bags were left in the rain storm at O'Hare on an uncovered baggage cart. We ended up using every spare location in the room to dry everything out. With the room thermostat turned up, the clothes dried rather quickly.    

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