Monday, July 14, 2014

Chobe Game Lodge

  Our trip to Africa is coming to an end. Two days ago, we left Victoria Falls by car to Chobe National Park. We decided on this location as many animals are naturally drawn to the Chobe River, which makes boat viewing very rewarding.

Our last few nights in Africa have been at the Chobe Game Lodge, in Botswana. This lodge is the only one located in Chobe National Park. Built in the 1970s, the lodge offers about 50 guest rooms. Each room has a veranda facing the river and a stay here includes meals and game drives.

We've been starting our days with a game drive between 6am and 8:30am, followed by a full breakfast. At 10:30am, we load up an eight passenger boat for a game cruise down the Chobi River. Lunch is served at 12:30pm and we have our final game drive between 3pm and 6:30pm. We have an hour to get cleaned up and ready for dinner.

The game drives have been visually rewarding. Sometimes we don't need to go very far. This morning we saw a leopard, hyaena, impala, warthogs, eagles and vultures. In fact, while we were out, the leopard made a kill from the impala herd and then the hyaena chased the leopard from the impala. All while members of the impala herd sounded their alert cry. Quite a lesson of life in the field.

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