Thursday, February 4, 2016

Danu Phyu, Myan Aung and Pyay - 2016

Danu Phyu
After disembarking for our visit to Danu Phyu, we were climbed aboard a trishaw for a ride into the village. Our tour included a monastery, Anglican Church, a cheroot factory and village market.
© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono
A cheroot is a handmade cigar, made of tobacco and fragrant wood chips. Some cheroots may be fruit or anise flavored. The outer sleeve is typically made from Tha-nut hpet leaves of the Sebesten tree. While some cheroots may be thin, the shop we stopped at was making very large and thick cigars. While I didn't try a smoke, the prices were very reasonable, about $0.10 apiece.
Manufacturing Cheroots, © 2016, R. Ono

Burmese Cheroots, © 2016, R. Ono
© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

End of Another Day Along the River, © 2016, R. Ono

A Visit to Myan Aung
This stop was a great way to stretch our legs a bit with a walk through the village of Myan Aung. This village is near rice fields and is home to a rural rice processing plant. A British built dike lines the village riverbank. As we departed Myan Aung, we watched several gold dredges plying the Ayeyarwaddy River.

© 2016, R. Ono
© 2016, R. Ono
A GMC Truck?, © 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono
© 2016, R. Ono
© 2016, R. Ono

A Visit to Pyay (aka Prome)
After lunch onboard the AMAPura, we made a stop at the town of Pyay. This town is home to about 134,000 residents. The town of Pyay was established by the British Irrawaddy Flotilla Company as a transportation hub between Upper and Lower Burma. Pyay became British territory in 1825 and, again, in 1853 after the Anglo-Burmese War. Japan invaded Pyay during WWII and the British retook the town in 1945.

During our stop, a bus took us to the Sri Ksetra Museum, a stop to see one of the Sri Ksetra gates and the Payagyi and Shwe Sandaw Pagodas. Sri Ksetra was the capital city of the Pyu Dynasty during the 6th and 7th centuries. Around 1057, the state was invaded by Anawrahta and Sri Ksetra was ordered to be destroyed.

© 2016, R. Ono

A Stop at Shwesandaw Pagoda,© 2016, R. Ono

© 2016, R. Ono

Sri Ksetra Museum, © 2016, R. Ono

Panel from Sri Ksetra, © 2016, R. Ono

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