Thursday, February 24, 2022

Abdeen Palace - February 2022

The final Egypt stop for us was a departure from our Ancient Egypt tour. Instead, we visited the 500 room, Abdeen Palace, in Cairo. The palace was the official residence of the former ruling monarchy and royal family of Egypt. The marble and parquet floors, gilded walls and ceilings, throne room, sunroom, furnishings, paintings and staircase offered a European perspective for Egyptian royalty. Our palace tour focused on the upstairs public rooms.

Construction on this Italian and French influenced palace started by Kedive Ismail, in 1863. The building was completed over ten years. The building is now used by the President of Egypt for government administration, state gatherings and hosting of foreign dignitaries. There are also several museums in the palace. 

Our visit to Abdeen Palace was topped off by a catered lunch in a palace dining room. This was a terrific way to end our Egypt visit and prepare for returning to the US the following day. 

Source: Wikipedia

Throne Room

A view of the ceiling of the throne room

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